The person hugging a tree — I die. I love it.

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Love the color too!

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Wonderful drawings capturing your local park as it is now, before it changes. I live the use of colour too. I live in the countryside, not far from a town. The development into the countryside is sad, i wish brown field sites were prioritised over green fields.

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I hope the trees will be saved.

I'm enjoying the color enhancement. Simple. Fun.

Eau Claire, Wisconsin, as you know, has been changing for a while. There's a new boom wave that just started this year. Improved buildings, new buildings, widened and new walkways everywhere downtown. Come check it out if you get a chance. (We'd love to host you.) Lots of SneakyArt opportunities. First Friday Food Trucks at Phoenix Park. Concerts in all the parks are just starting again. Soon, the weather will be warm enough to float the river . . .

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I love the use of color in these drawings. You have something new going on with that? Or have I just missed your color drawings? The fleeting nature of life: that’s all there is, right? Only moments to fill up to the brim, and above all to notice and appreciate them.

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