Totally agree that parenthood is transformative! But there’s no way anyone can possibly understand just how much the parent human will transform until you are actually into the process.

It’s like I can read about swimming, and be knowledgeable about the strokes, etc. However, I won’t really know about swimming until I’m actually in the water. And I won’t really transform until I have a great deal of practical experience with swimming, in all types of water and conditions.

I think if we really, really understood what changes we would be going through when we become a parent, we’d be terrified! More terrified than what we already were! Perhaps too terrified to actually decide to do it! What will birth be like? How will I keep this little creature safe and happy? Am I doing this or that “right”? What if I’m doing it “wrong”? Can I do more and more? Or how much is enough?

My son is 37, my daughter is 39 years old. I am still transforming through my relationships with them. And my son’s 2 year old daughter has reoriented me to the process of transformation. We are both forever changed, and life could hardly be better.

Happy half-year anniversary, Rohan!

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I agree so much, Katherine. A certain degree of ignorance (or naivete) can be a strength. Sometimes it is better to not know every obstacle on the road ahead!

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I can’t believe it’s been six months already 🥳 happy 6 months birthday Rohan 🎂😘

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So quickly! 🥰

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"What is grass?" indeed... So while Rohan may have missed the heron above, meeting a pigeon must've been mind-blowing enough.

Seeing everything with such freshness is a beautiful thing that would likely do us all good to return to as much as possible.

That said, I don't like sand, so I'll enjoy the freshness of the beach from afar if you don't mind... 😆

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I decided to be a parent when I found out I was pregnant. By that I mean, I decided I was going to take it seriously and do my best. But it was scary. I knew I liked my sleep and I knew my childhood had some difficulties I was going to have to reckon with as a parent and i was going to have to change old patterns. But my kids are 20 and 22 now and they seem like kind and happy adults. I didn't make them this way, but I created a path for them to get there, and they chose to follow it (with some straying along the way). I feel very lucky.

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Thank you for sharing, Jenny. I believe that will be the most challenging aspect of being a parent - trying to not let old patterns dictate the future. There are so many things I wish I could change about myself, and so much I wonder if I have passed on to him already.

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I have learned, no matter the mistakes you make, if you love him and are humble about your flaws, the love will shine through. One of my favorite poems is On Children by Khalil Gibran, if you ever need help with the humility part like I did. It still makes me cry when I read it. An a cappella group called Sweet Honey In The Rock sing a beautiful version of this poem.

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And it's OK to not like parenting sometimes. It's incredibly challenging and rewarding, and like everything we draw, we are our own worst critic.

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What an amazing and sweet gift you’ve given him—a visual document of his (up to this point) life. Many people have photos of themselves, and fewer people have beautiful drawings made by a parent.

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Thank you, Vicki. I am so excited for the day he will be able to see and appreciate them. :)

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I used to wonder too what my babies were dreaming about. Since they were both breast milk addicts I imagined them "mmm breast milk." Smile. Breast milk finished. Frown. Later they even have nightmares. Breast milk drought!

Parenting came as shock to me despite actively chosen to be one. And even after all the shocks I made another. So, maybe nature has more say here!

You make such beautiful and precious sketches of Rohan, I love them!

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What a gorgeous post, it’s so lovely you are capturing Rohan like this. I wish I was sketching when I had my 3 babies, it would have been wonderful to look back on 😍

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Thank you so much, Nikki! 🥰

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when is the 'drawing infant' workshop coming? Better still would be 'drawing infant asleep' but my requests will get nichier after I'm finished re-watching the last workshop (our time difference in Japan does not allow a live hang, but I'm enjoying the last one so far).

I'll even accept 'drawing your child' workshop to kickstart this drill down.

Thanks bruv

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That's a great idea haha, let me think about it...

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Babies love hearing you blow raspberries, and will mimic them quite early - a good way to begin to master the lip work needed for that ‘p’ sound!

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What a great idea! 🙏 thank you, Janet!

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I heard somewhere that babies don't dream for awhile. 🤔

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Rohan would smile abruptly in his sleep, and sometimes frown and fret too. Something was definitely going on!

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One of my kids said dada first!

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Need to make it happen! 🙌

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Dear Rohan, Happy Growing with Mamma and Pop!

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Go with Da, it seemed top work a long time ago.

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Great suggestion! 🙌🏽

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Happy birthday 🎉 beautiful Rohan-muse!

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