Why did the human cross the road?

Well, there is this really quite darling little kitten on the other side (which is actually a baby raccoon….Surprise!).

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Ha! Curiosity the Raccoon!

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why did the human cross the road?

To gather his future self, so he could get some 'inside' tips.

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You know what, I'm pretty sure future him was waiting there.

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Why did the human cross the road?

To have existential dread on the other side.

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Fresh existential dread is always preferable to same old same old.

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So that we could comment on his choice🙂

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He did it for us!

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To buy a copy of John Berger’s “Ways of Seeing” at Goodwill (that had been owned by a person who bought it new in December of 1997 in a Barnes & Noble, never read it, & was donated to Goodwill after their death), own it for 12 years, & never read it.

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The tradition of tsundoku (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsundoku) continues...!

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To get a new perspective of his world

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Quite literally I have done that a few times. 🙌

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Why did the human cross the road?

Because he'd feel quite silly just standing there all day watching the world go by.

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It's a big world out there!

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why did the person cross the road ? to see if indeed, there is a chicken in the cactus shop..

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Did he find it??

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To leave hate under the rock.

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Where it belongs. 🤜

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Because his sister had already zeroed out the neighboring two roads, and he was in no mood to let her win city-tac-toe again

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City-tac-toe! 🤯🤯🤯

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Why did the human cross the road? To get to the cactus shop, of course—because sometimes, you just need a prickly friend and a little extra green in your life!

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A ... Cactus shop?! 🤔🤔

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Why did the human cross the road? To get to the human on the other side.

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Gotta make those connections!

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Why did the human cross the road? To sit in the coffee shop and draw another road-crosser. A great chain of sneaky art!

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Haha and maybe we would draw each other across the street!

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Because it was stapled to the chicken.

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Ugh, I hate it when that happens!

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Why did the human cross the road?

Well, the side he's on looks lonely...

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Actually that IS as good a reason as any to cross a road...

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