Nishant, great post! Hoping my platform grows up to be like yours someday, lol. My first collaboration effort drops today, and touches upon so many of the topics you lay out here. Maybe there is a guest post opportunity for us? I also would like to commission some of your original art work. It is really good, in a gritty, fill-in-the-blanks way that allows for individual interpretation.

Taking a long drive today, looking forward to listening...


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Have a fun and safe trip home!

At least 70% of my hard drive is bad writing, especially my oldest stuff. It’s all part of the creative process.

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Dec 5, 2021Liked by Nishant Jain

I found many inspiring comments in this post! Today, I decided to employ the idea of permission. I am going to the beach today to walk the tide pools (something I only do a few times a year even though I live 15 miles from the ocean). I was stressing about taking all the things I would need for a watercolor painting and holding up my (non-sketching) friends by painting as appropriate for the beautiful setting. Your post helped me give myself permission to make a brushpen sketch instead. Maybe even with tiny people! Thanks!

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β€œToday I am going to make many bad drawings.” "The freedom to do a good job is the same as the freedom to do a bad job. If you stifle one, you also stifle the other." 🌟Gold. Thanks. This is so true. The freedom to create is a muscle that requires regular exercising to strengthen. The more I work on it, the freer I become in my mind to allow imperfections. And messing up drawings.

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