“Writing is a great thing, but it is excruciating to actually write.” I think you’re a little rough on us writers, Nishant! The same flow and focus of making art can come to somebody with a pen in hand, using it to write words. I myself didn’t feel whole until I found a way to do both in my work. And what the hell, dude? Your posts are filled with lovely words words words. I hope you enjoy writing them at least a little!

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At times, I find writing excruciating, but I also find times when I reach that state of flow writing, and when I do it's just joyous. It has to do with perfectionism, I think, and the way that I tend to judge the quality of my writing as I go. That often kills the joy. Perhaps you are judging your writing more harshly than your art? I hope writing isn't excruciating too often for you.

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“Writing is a great thing to have done. On the other hand, art is joyous in the moment.” That hit home! Almost to the extent that I feel like I’m wasting my time/being idle when I’m painting. I tend to push my art into the background, as if it is some kind of childish past-time, simply because of the innate enjoyment I feel while doing it. As if everything one does ought to be some kind of difficult endeavour. Great piece, thanks.

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