Nishant, I was stressing for some reasons this morning, which I can't remember now. I just clicked. and was mesmerized. the intersections you draw about are the same I write about. I think of something new each time I visit your platform.

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Glad to hear it, Ric! 🙌🏽

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Hi, Nishant.

You have nearly mastered intertwining of thoughtful words and tiny art. I love this . . .

"The job of the Sneaky Artist is to bear witness to fleeting moments of accidental art spontaneously created in this flex of everyday life."

In today's coffee shop images, I found myself drawn to the people sitting on stools. No stool legs. Yet, the illusion is there. The weight of the human on a floating base is substantial. Our brains fill in the stool legs automatically. We know without seeing. Very satisfying.

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