
I am drawing for you this month

Insider #99 with the tiny drawings going to readers this week.

Dear Insider,

(This post is now open to all readers.)

The morning began with grey sky and grim clouds and frost condensing on the windshields of cars parked on the street. I waited until the sun broke through the clouds before heading out to the local cafe. I got myself a coffee, a scone, and a seat facing the street crossing.

One side of the street is permanently closed to traffic. Local businesses have converted it into a public space with benches and tables under the shade of tall trees. In summer, people sit here with friends and family or even by themselves, passing the day in this third space - a place that is neither yours nor mine but ours. (Those who know their logical operators might call it an XAND space?)

A public table in a public space is a small connection with your city and the people with whom you share it. It made me happy to see so many people. I also thought about you, dear Insider, while drawing these tiny people that passed through my world. Because these drawings were made for you. I am delighted to send these tiny people to the Insiders who have written tiny stories in our summer storytelling threads!

The SneakyArt (Insider) Post is written for paid subscribers and patrons of my work. Every week I share progress in ongoing projects and the best ideas from my journey to be an artist and writer. This month, I am giving away drawings!

Also in today’s post, the link to grab your seat at the August Insider Hangout, exclusive discount on prints, and popular writing from the past year.

📽️ Clips and ideas from Sketcher Fest, North America’s first travel sketchbook festival, last month in Edmonds WA.

🪐 Ruminations on the various inevitabilities of life, and the awesome power of the universe, after a crow pooped on my blank page on a sunny afternoon.

🖼️ The free contemplation of art, and asking if we have lost something from all the knowledge we have gained.

✍🏼 Notes from freewriting about the conflicts in my mind while reading Walter Benjamin’s The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.

tiny people going from my world to yours

The storytelling threads are still open - [one] and [two]. You can:

👀 Read a tiny story and … if you like it, drop a comment to let them know!

✍🏼 Write a tiny story and … get a tiny drawing in your mail!

Remember: Every story wins a drawing.

spotted, a conversation.
spotted, a game of speed chess.
spotted, at work under the sun

💻 Are we hanging out this month?

At this month’s Insider Hangout, I am -

📚 sharing pages from my current sketchbooks (did you know I have multiple sketchbooks running at the same time?)

✏️ talking about my growing essential art supply kit, and how I am pushing out of my comfort zone with more colours.

📖 flipping through the comic books that have influenced my sense of framing and composition.

🙃 answering your questions!

Let’s hang out?

Zoom | Aug 26 | 6-7 pm PT

💌 Print Sale

I am releasing new prints soon. All the old prints will then be taken down. To grab 10% off any print currently in the store, use code [SNEAKYREADER] at checkout.

See more prints

Thank you, dear Insider, for your support of my work. It allows me to ignore social media trends, follow my own compass, and stay independent. You are the reason why I am able to do this summer giveaway. I am glad to have a space in your inbox.

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