Dear reader,
This week in Times New Rohan, an introduction to Rohan’s little sister!
The SneakyArt Post is a publication of secretly drawn art of the world. This month, I am on vacation with family in India.
One of the big reasons for coming to India this time of year was the opportunity for Rohan to meet his first cousin Sia, born to my younger brother just two months after Rohan!
The age difference is negligible so little sister she will always be. The cousin/sister difference is also negligible so little sister she will always be.
Sia is quiet where Rohan is loud. Sia is at 6 months and happy to see everyone, where Rohan has developed Stranger Anxiety with his 8th month and frowns before he smiles. Sia can sit upright but does not crawl yet. Rohan can now sit up from lying down and refuses to stop moving about. Both of them look at each other with confusion, a mild bafflement, and suspicion. They guard their toys. Occasionally when they forget their differences, they play.

Rohan and Sia live far from each other (Vancouver and Amsterdam), but we hope to have them see each other as often as possible!
Reader, what shapes has sibling rivalry taken in your family?
Thank you for reading. Today's piece was put together on the phone while traveling. More words next week when I am better settled with Wi-Fi and laptop.
Lovely post ❤️. I hope they have a bond that strengthens with each passing year. My brother, who is 4 and a half years younger, and I fought like cats and dogs till about I turned 15 or 16. After that I would loftily ignore him - unless he got hurt or injured. Later we became cautious good friends… if you know what I mean :). With age, he is the rock I lean on. My greatest source of support and confidence besides my mother.
Beautiful sketches and a beautiful story about the cute kids.