Dear reader,
How do people live under a blue sky? How does that change under oppressive clouds in slabs of grey? This month has given me a chance to see tiny people in both conditions. In today’s post, let us tell their stories. (Your stories.)
The SneakyArt Post is a publication of secretly drawn art of the world, and my best ideas from a journey of self-education to be an artist and writer. If you like getting SneakyArt in your inbox, tell all the people that you see.
Read the stories in the comments! This experience is best paired with Joni Mitchell.
This is how we play the game of tiny people:
Pick a tiny person from the options below.
Place them in your world, and tell their tiny story in the comments section.
Return afterwards to read the stories of others.
Upvote, comment, and add to the tales.
🎁 Best stories each win a tiny drawing from me. It’s an art giveaway!
The Sky sets the Mood
How do things change in your world, dear reader, when dark clouds cover the sky? Take these tiny people, of sunny days and grey, and tell their tiny story.
(2nd from right, top row)
“Pay heed, I beseech thee,” said the infant child, “For there is a matter of great import that begs our attention.”
But the words, as they leapt off his tongue, were turned into just one, long syllable: “Wannnnhhh!”
Somehow, his father got the message and duly picked him up.
Tell your story in the comments.
(Bottom left)
Overheard, muttering to self: “At least it was sunny yesterday. At least it was sunny yesterday. At least it was sunny yesterday. Don’t complain. Don’t complain. At least it was sunny yesterday…”
Tell your story in the comments.
If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed that it has been a crazy month of art exploration. I am pushing boundaries. I am drawing colouring trees!

And this Sunday, I went to the park to draw trees during the monthly SneakyArt Insiders Hangout.

🎙️ All the good crowdfunding questions
Listeners, have you had a chance to check out the latest episode of the SneakyArt Podcast? It is a conversation about living and thriving as an independent artist/illustrator. My guest, Christina Wald, has produced several books through crowdfunding and I wanted to learn all about how this works.
This Sunday, I summarize our extended Kickstarter discussion in the paid post to SneakyArt Insiders.
I have wanted to do a Kickstarter campaign for a long time. But there were a lot of details I knew nothing about. There were a lot of details I didn’t know that I didn’t know about!
In the episode, I asked Christina many questions to which she gave excellent answers and practical advice. Listeners, if you want to understand how Kickstarter might work for your book idea, I suggest that you:
(1) Listen to the episode, and
(2) Become a SneakyArt Insider!
Thank you for your time and attention. I am glad to have a space in your inbox.
Second image, bottom row, second from the right:
The hooded stranger looked both ways at the dim intersection of the narrow alleys in Lower Croon, as if expecting more robust traffic than the scurrying children, splashing down the sodden streets on little errands or other business of their own. The stranger stepped off the other way into the dim rainy mist and disappeared under the dark arch.
The urchin, a bedraggled little fellow, pushed wet blond hair off his forehead and followed.
Lower right-Day Together: “After 20 years of exchanging Christmas cards each year, I’m so delighted we got to meet up in the rain under greyish clouds, my old friend. While I would have ordinarily and undoubtedly frowned on such a day, you have now cured me of my melancholy. And so from this day forward, I shall smile my most winning smile should I encounter a smidgen of grey up above.”